Notice Board/Mal's Demos


Everything that is not under headings Maxie Hyghts, Adaptors, Danny Walsh\Tricksters I group under the name The Prime Movers

Sometimes I’ve been the midwife and encouraged the parent to push Other times I’ve gone various lengths of gestation. There are some flowers I my garden that need tending

Some songs may be longer than I intend. I have yet to decide what verses use and I need to hear options because I forget.

Also, if can get some proper singer(s) they have got options. Please get in touch if you are a singer and would like to collaborate with me on some tunes.

I need some people who know a bit about Melodyne and or RX7,8 or 9 and want some material to practice on. Any keyboards players out there?

Please help yourself. If you know anybody who knows me and let them know as they might have asked me for some stuff over the years and I said yeah sure but life got in the way.

Please see link below for Mal's SoundCloud page.